Dec 26, 20211 min read
Why I hated life as a digital nomad
I tried the digital nomad lifestyle, and I don't recommend it. Here's a cartoon about my experience living between homes.

Aug 15, 20215 min read
As a content creator with an e-commerce platform, these are the 8 essential tools I use and why
Anyone can start an online business, but it isn’t as easy or as free as it seems. Here are my top digital tools for video, design, and more.

Jul 21, 20211 min read
Billionaire space race — Jeff Bezos versus Richard Branson
A doodle about competition in the space industry — it's out of this world!

Apr 12, 20211 min read
What 'Quaran-type' are you? A guide to discovering your quarantine persona.
Everyone has their role during COVID-19. What type of person are you during quarantine?

Mar 11, 20211 min read
Work from home forever? 8 excuses to avoid going back to the office.
A lot changes in a year! I doodled a few reasons some people won’t be coming back to the office.

Mar 6, 20211 min read
My four favorite YouTubers for inspiration, learning, and relaxing
During quarantine, I've not only been creating more than ever but I've also been consuming more content on more platforms than ever. Here...

Feb 21, 20211 min read
Meet my coworkers on Google Meet, in a doodle
I made a cartoon depicting my team's work-from-home personalities.

Feb 9, 20211 min read
Billionaires start to worry — Hedge funds, Jeff Bezos' legacy, and Manhattan Supertall residents
Billionaires are struggling in this comic. Jeff Bezos ponders his legacy while Supertall residents and hedge funds get uncomfortable.

Feb 4, 20211 min read
Elon Musk's idea of a fun afternoon playing with the stock market
Elon Musk is a stock market influencer who can change the world with a tweet. I doodle him keeping up this hobby.