Jan 8, 20231 min read
How I talk about dating with my grandma
It's hard to talk to my grandma about my love life. In this cartoon, I show what a dating conversation with her is like.

Nov 14, 20229 min read
Hanukkah events for 20s and 30s in NYC
The holidays are almost here, meaning it's events season. Hanukkah is right around Christmas, which always makes the month more festive.

Nov 9, 20221 min read
Life Lessons From My Late 20s
Here are the main life lessons from my late 20s

Oct 26, 20221 min read
My defining decade: A look back at the most memorable moments of my 20s before I turn 30
Turning 30 can be scary, but the best years are ahead of me. But first, I take a look back at the most memorable moments of my 20s.

Oct 16, 20221 min read
Superhero sisters: Mission find new jeans on vacation
Meet my sisters, they keep me fashionable and help me withe a very important mission — shopping for new jeans on vacation!

Jul 7, 20222 min read
My favorite memories from Israel with family, friends, and Birthright
I made a cartoon about my top experiences in Israel like celebrating my sister's Bat Mitzvah, seeing the Kotel, and eating amazing falafel.

Jun 29, 20223 min read
I'm a 'Jew to Watch' | Read about my exciting New York Jewish Week award!
I was selected as one of the New York Jewish Week’s 36 to Watch. Read more about this amazing honor.

Jun 17, 20221 min read
What it's like growing up with a South African dad
My dad is South African, and the culture has always been a big part of my life. It's also led to hilarious memories I share in this cartoon!

Feb 6, 20221 min read
Living with loss and imagining what life would be like if my mom was still here
I drew a cartoon about grief on the anniversary of my mom's death. Part of that is remembering my mom's role in my life.

May 14, 20211 min read
The 2020 refunds all tax-payers deserve
To me, 2020 is a year that needs to be referred to as "The Year That Never Happened" in history books. Does the IRS agree?

May 9, 20211 min read
Celebrating my other mother figures after loss on Mother's Day
On Mother's Day, since I lost my mom, I drew a doodle honoring other women in my life who have helped fill the void.

Apr 18, 20211 min read
An epic picnic for my sister — with live doodling
My sister Julia reacts to a Birthday Party Doodle I made for her - Her reaction is everything!

Apr 16, 20211 min read
I tried Whole30 and it went horribly wrong
Whole30 is hard! I tried it and failed miserably. Here's a funny doodle about my experience.

Apr 14, 20211 min read
My pre-pandemic routine versus my current one
A cartoon about how my weekends in quarantine compare to weekends before the pandemic.

Apr 13, 20211 min read
George being George — a light birthday doodle roast for my sister's calm Canadian boyfriend
A digital cartoon about George, my sister's Canadian boyfriend.

Apr 5, 20211 min read
How a Jew celebrated Easter
A Jew talks about her first-hand experiences with Easter and how no matter your religion or your age, Easter Egg Hunting is always great!

Feb 3, 20212 min read
After losing my mom, here's what I miss about her the most — and what she doesn't miss about me
On the anniversary of losing my mom, I share a little bit about my loss and grief with an essay and a doodle about our relationship.

Dec 16, 20201 min read
9 types of people celebrating Hanukkah
A funny comic about the personality types of people celebrating this Jewish holiday.

Dec 12, 20202 min read
This Hanukah, I feel like a menorah in the window
I compare my Hanukah this year to Hanukah last year with a doodle, pictures, and a video.

Nov 29, 20201 min read
This Thanksgiving we ate skinny turkeys
This Thanksgiving was different than normal, and the turkeys noticed.