Mar 19, 20231 min read
Lifestyle adjustments with a broken ankle
A cartoon about life in my apartment after breaking my ankle.

Aug 12, 20211 min read
Masks are back? More pandemic confusion.
Masks were in, they were out, now they're back in. I doodled some fashionistas reacting to the confusing messaging around the delta variant.

Jun 3, 20211 min read
Back-to-normal is coming after a weird pandemic year — and I don't know how to feel
Everything is starting to open up again after a year of quarantining and social distancing. I doodle about my anxieties then and now.

May 5, 20211 min read
Mask on or mask off? Reactions to the new CDC guidelines.
Believe it or not, the CDC is finally relaxing outdoor mask guidelines! How are people reacting?

Apr 22, 20211 min read
When Earth Day is also your birthday, plan to preserve!
When Earth Day is also your (half) birthday, here's how to celebrate. Preserve for the future!

Apr 16, 20211 min read
I tried Whole30 and it went horribly wrong
Whole30 is hard! I tried it and failed miserably. Here's a funny doodle about my experience.