May 18, 20221 min read
Reflections from early pandemic times | A cartoon about how weird life got in 2020
It's been two years since the pandemic, and I still can't believe some of the stuff that happened in 2020.

Aug 12, 20211 min read
Masks are back? More pandemic confusion.
Masks were in, they were out, now they're back in. I doodled some fashionistas reacting to the confusing messaging around the delta variant.

Jul 8, 20211 min read
I don't want to hear about the delta variant — a doodle about denial
Are you worried about the COVID-19 delta variant? I made a doodle about how I feel — I don't want to talk about it!

Jun 9, 20211 min read
Cuomo says NYC is open again — I'm not sure how I feel!
I tuned in daily for Gov. Cuomo's press conferences in the beginning of the pandemic. A lot has changed since then.

Jun 3, 20211 min read
Back-to-normal is coming after a weird pandemic year — and I don't know how to feel
Everything is starting to open up again after a year of quarantining and social distancing. I doodle about my anxieties then and now.

May 14, 20211 min read
The 2020 refunds all tax-payers deserve
To me, 2020 is a year that needs to be referred to as "The Year That Never Happened" in history books. Does the IRS agree?

May 5, 20211 min read
Mask on or mask off? Reactions to the new CDC guidelines.
Believe it or not, the CDC is finally relaxing outdoor mask guidelines! How are people reacting?

Apr 18, 20211 min read
An epic picnic for my sister — with live doodling
My sister Julia reacts to a Birthday Party Doodle I made for her - Her reaction is everything!

Apr 14, 20211 min read
My pre-pandemic routine versus my current one
A cartoon about how my weekends in quarantine compare to weekends before the pandemic.

Apr 12, 20211 min read
What 'Quaran-type' are you? A guide to discovering your quarantine persona.
Everyone has their role during COVID-19. What type of person are you during quarantine?

Apr 11, 20211 min read
My favorite stuffed animals
I'm an adult who still loves stuffed animals! Here are a funny doodle and video of my favorites.

Mar 16, 20212 min read
Brooklyn Writer Publishes NYC-themed 'Don't FUHAGGADAHBOUDIT' Haggadah for Passover
Passover 2021 is coming up! Get a print or digital download Haggadah that has funny pandemic jokes and a NYC theme.

Mar 11, 20211 min read
Work from home forever? 8 excuses to avoid going back to the office.
A lot changes in a year! I doodled a few reasons some people won’t be coming back to the office.

Feb 25, 20211 min read
Purim celebrations are different this year — same Jewish holiday, different mask
I drew a cartoon comparing 2020 Purim holiday celebrations to how we're celebrating in 2021.

Feb 21, 20211 min read
Ted Cruz family vacation fail in Mexico
Ted Cruz upsets Texans and his family over a tone-deaf trip to Mexico during a natural disaster.

Jan 14, 20211 min read
Venues are becoming COVID-19 vaccination centers
Large public spaces like Disney and CitiField are pitching in to spread the magic of the vaccine. I doodle what it could look like.