This Mother's Day — the seventh without my mom — I'm acknowledging other women in my life who have helped fill the void.
I used to talk to my mom A LOT (see my earlier doodle about our relationship ). I miss talking to her. But, over the years, I have leaned on many other women in all parts of my life to get advice on everything from the smaller decisions, like which item to buy in the supermarket to bigger ones, like if I should take a new job.
In one of my old standup sets, I had a joke that I used to get my mom flowers. Now, my friends sometimes get me flowers. I’m so grateful for them and all the other women who have shown me kindness, compassion, and care. This represents some of them – with a flower theme, to give back! I included myself, too, because I still carry my mom with me every day.
Mother's Day Doodle

Dad taking "Mom" duties
On Mother's Day, true to the doodle, Dad took us on a little shopping spree.

My mom and me when I was a baby

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